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Service Jetty
Client: Palm Island
Techniques: Marine piling and concrete works
Palm Island resort is private Island in the Grenadines, and part of St. Vincent. The resort has to import all its food, consumables and diesel to run the islands generators and water makers. The water is relatively rough, continuously choppy making the offload of diesel, food and personnel difficult on a very small jetty which does not have piled foundations meaning larger vessels could not access the island. Palm Island Resorts contracted Intrepid to build a new service jetty and personnel jetty allowing safer personnel transfers and also larger vessels to berth meaning now fuel could be delivered by bulk to the Island. The jetty is a precast concrete jetty founded on steel piles. As the resort is very remote the staff all lived on Union Island and every single item had to be shipped to the location. We set up a small batching plant to provide concrete. As the water is relatively rough we elected to use the ‘walk on’ frames. These are steel frames that allow the jetty to be built end on meaning no barge was used for the piling works.